How to Measure Sulfuric Acid Concentration ?
How to Measure Sulfuric Acid Concentration ?The on-line continuous measurement of sulphuric acid/oleum is based on the fact that a physical property will change as the concentration changes. Properties such as conductivity, refractive index and sound velocity are typically used to measure sulphuric acid/oleum concentrations. The recommended methods of measurement over the whole range of sulphuric acid and oleum are given below.Electrical conductivity is a property of a fluid that can be used to determine its concentration. The graph below shows the conductivity (micromhos) at 25ºC for several different fluids, including sulphuric acid from 0 to 100%wt. The vertical axis ranges from 0 to 900,000 micromhos.For sulphuric acid, the conductivity varies such that for a given conductivity there could be more than one concentration. This makes conductivity unsuitable for measurement over the full range of acid concentration (i.e. 0 to 100% H2SO4)....